Sunday, October 2, 2011

Human Rights Issue : Abortion . Topic proposal

I chose the topic of abortion because I believe it is a very important women's rights issue and should be recognized in international and national law. The topic is very controversial and in some countries there are many  restrictions such as parental consent, marital consent, only in case of rape and incest or only in the case of women's safety being jeopardized. I will be exploring the supreme court 1972 case ruling of Roe vs Wade, this decision effected all laws throughout the United States that restricted abortion under the violation of the 14th amendment. And i will also be focusing on the "Mexico's reverse roe vs wade case" happening now in Mexico were 18 of the 30 states have passed laws "extending legal personhood to embryo's" . Throughout the controversy of abortion there have been many passionate debates on what is right and wrong , a lot of peoples reasoning against abortion has religious relations especially since 88% of Mexico's population is Roman Catholic which is known to be against abortions. There is no right answer and has a lot to do ones morals this is why this has been a hot topic for so long.

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